Edukasi Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Kepada Pelaku Usaha di Kebonso, RT 01/RW 03, Pulisen, Boyolali, Boyolali

  • Dimas Ino Asta Rendra Fakultas Hukum Universitas Boyolai
  • Sigit Muryanto Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Boyolali
Keywords: Pendidikan, Cuci tangan, Sabun


People have the habit of paying less attention to washing their hands, especially when buying food at restaurants. The habit of washing hands with soap (CTPS) is still a world concern because there are still people who forget the behavior of washing hands. The focus of CTPS activities is business actors who become “agents of change” in the future. In this activity there will be education on washing hands with soap for business actors in Kebonso RT.01 RW.03 Pulisen Village, Boyolali District, Boyolali Regency in the form of counseling and followed by simulations in the field guided by the 6 steps of washing hands. Before carrying out this activity, business actors did not know how to wash their hands with soap so that this activity was considered to be 100% successful because all business actors can practice washing their hands using soap properly and correctly


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How to Cite
Rendra, D. I. A., & Muryanto, S. (2021). Edukasi Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Kepada Pelaku Usaha di Kebonso, RT 01/RW 03, Pulisen, Boyolali, Boyolali. SENYUM BOYOLALI, 2(2), 63-67.