Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mengolah Minyak Jelantah di Desa Cihideung Ilir, Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor untuk Menjaga Kelestarian Lingkungan

  • Beata Ratnawati IPB University
  • Silvia Dewi Sagita Andik
  • Ayutyas Sayekti
Keywords: Lingkungan, mengolah limbah, minyak jelantah, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pengabdian masyarakat


Culinary business is currently increasingly widespread, especially in the new normal era. One of the villages where part of the community is engaged in culinary business is Cihideung Ilir Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency, which is located near the IPB University campus. The culinary business produces used cooking oil which can pollute the environment if it is disposed of directly into the environment. Therefore, community service activities were carried out to provide understanding to the community in processing the waste produced, especially used cooking oil as a form of environmental conservation. The purpose of this community service activity is to empower the community to process waste into useful products so that the resulting impact is not only for the environment but for the community itself. This activity is carried out in September-October 2021. The method of activity is in the form of socialization and hands-on practice of making soap and candles. From the activity, it was found that used cooking oil can be processed into soap and candles. These products can be used alone or sold to increase income.


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How to Cite
Ratnawati, B., Andik, S. D. S., & Sayekti, A. (2021). Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mengolah Minyak Jelantah di Desa Cihideung Ilir, Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor untuk Menjaga Kelestarian Lingkungan. SENYUM BOYOLALI, 2(2), 45-49.