Peralihan Hak Milik Atas Tanah Melalui Perjanjian Jual Beli Di Bawah Tangan Dan Akibat Hukumnya

  • Masud Masud Masud Universitas Boyolali
  • Nanik Sutarni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Boyolali
  • M. Fauzan Hidayat Fakultas Hukum Universitas Boyolali
Keywords: Peralihan Hak Milik Atas Tanah, Jual Beli Di Bawah Tangan, Akibat Hukum


The increase in land buying and selling activities occurs as a result of an increase in the community's need for land. This buying and selling activity is a form of the process of
transferring ownership rights to land. However, in practice there is still a lot of buying and selling done under the hands. This sale and purchase is not carried out before the PPAT, but is carried out on the basis of mutual trust between the buyer and seller. The sale and purchase of land
rights under this hand will be very detrimental to the buyer, because legal certainty for the buyer has not been fulfilled. Normative legal research methods from secondary data sources. The transfer of rights through underhand buying and selling begins with deliberation. After an agreement is
made, the price is determined and the handover is carried out, which is attended by the Village Head, RT Chair, Customary Leaders, witnesses. As evidence that the sale and purchase of land had taken place, then a sale and purchase statement was made signed by the Village Head,
seller and buyer, and two witnesses, stamped by the village, there was proof of payment in the form of a receipt and stamped. The legal consequences of buying and selling under the hands are still valid because the legal conditions for buying and selling according to the UUPA have been
fulfilled, namely cash, clear, real.

Meningkatnya kegiatan jual beli tanah terjadi akibat dari adanya peningkatan kebutuhan masyarakat akan tanah. Kegiatan jual beli ini adalah sebagai salah satu bentuk proses peralihan hak milik atas tanah. Akan tetapi dalam prakteknya masih banyak jual beli dilakukan    di bawah tangan. Jual beli ini tidak dilakukan dihadapan PPAT, akan tetapi dilakukan atas dasar saling percaya antara pihak pembeli dan penjual. Jual beli hak atas tanah dibawah tangan ini akan sangat merugikan bagi pihak pembeli, karena kepastian hukum untuk pembeli  belum dapat terpenuhi. Metode penelitian hukum normatif dari sumber data sekunder. Peralihan hak melalui jual beli di bawah tangan dimulai dengan musyawarah. Setelah adanya kesepakatan kemudian menentukan harga dan dilakukan serah terima, yang dihadiri oleh Kepala Desa, Ketua RT, Ketua Adat, saksi-saksi. Sebagai alat bukti telah terjadi jual beli tanah, kemudian dibuat pernyataan jual beli ditanda tangani Kepala Desa, penjual dan pembeli, dan dua orang saksi, di stempel oleh desa, ada bukti pembayaran berupa selembar kuitansi dan bermaterai. Akibat hukum jual beli di bawah tangan adalah tetap sah karena sudah terpenuhi syarat sah jual beli menurut UUPA, yaitu bersifat tunai,terang, riil


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